Oregon high school faces backlash over tampon dispensers in boys’ bathrooms

Boys refusing to accept the attacks on gender

Lakeridge High School in Oregon recently encountered a unique challenge: male students were dismantling tampon dispensers from their bathroom walls and flushing them down the toilets. The school consequently issued a formal request asking the boys to cease this behavior and provided parents with materials on “menstruation, menstrual products, sexuality, and health.” The goal was to help parents explain that menstruation is a natural process for “individuals possessing a uterus”.

The placement of tampon dispensers in boys’ restrooms is a result of Oregon’s 2021 “Menstrual Dignity Act.” This act mandates all public schools to supply menstrual products to all students, irrespective of “gender, age, ability [and] socioeconomic status,” in the spirit of promoting “privacy, inclusivity, access, and education.” By installing tampon dispensers in boys’ restrooms, the implicit educational objective is to acknowledge that boys can experience periods, effectively communicating the obvious falehood that boys can identify as girls.

An email from school officials pointed out that the repeated dismantling of the dispensers was a drain on the school’s time and resources, as they had to continuously re-install them to comply with the Menstrual Dignity Act. The school thus implored its student body to respect school property and to remain considerate of the diverse needs of their peers.

It seems, however, that a portion of the younger population is growing weary of the constant imposition of LGBT ideology. While many young people have unfortunately capitulated to this ideology, there remains a significant minority who are increasingly resistant to this ideological inundation.

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