Ontario Catholic school board rejects pride flag display

"The Cross is for All!"

In a recent decision, the York Catholic District School Board (YCDSB) located just north of Toronto, Ontario, voted against raising the gay “pride” flag on its schools during June, the recognized “Pride Month.” The decision occurred during a May 29 meeting, where the proposal was denied in a 6-4 vote. This move has been met with surprising satisfaction by advocates for the traditional family structure, particularly as the LGBT agenda’s influence within the education system is receiving heightened protest.

Jack Fonseca of Campaign Life Coalition (CLC) commented on the decision, lauding it as a glimmer of hope in a society that is increasingly seen as embracing the LGBT lobby. The CLC has actively encouraged its followers to petition against flying the “pride” flag at YCDSB. Fonseca thanked the parents and concerned Catholic ratepayers who approached the YCDSB Trustees with their reservations about the flag-raising, stating that the decision would have likely been different without their efforts.

Fonseca went further to praise the six trustees who voted against the proposal and expressed disappointment in the four who voted for it. He suggested that the four who voted in favor of what he sees as an affront to Christian teachings on family and marriage should feel a sense of shame. Furthermore, he voiced the hope of working with local parents to unseat these four trustees at the first available election opportunity.

The decision, while pleasing many, was met with vocal opposition, and some protestors had to be escorted out of the meeting by YCDSB security. Myles Vosylius, a former student at Cardinal Carter Catholic High School, voiced his approval of the decision on Twitter, stating, “The Cross represents all!” In a previous board meeting in April, Vosylius had also spoken against the proposed “pride” flag raising.

However, the YCDSB’s decision is unique in the region, with many other Catholic school boards succumbing to pressure to raise “pride flags” during June. Yet, resistance is increasing, with some parents, particularly in the Muslim community, choosing to keep their children home from school in protest when their respective schools raised the flag. Parents are beginning to vocalize their opposition to the promotion of the LGBT agenda within their children’s schools, with one notable incident resulting in the resignation of a pro-LGBT trustee from the Waterloo Catholic District School Board. Moreover, the Campaign Life Coalition has encouraged parents to keep their children home from school on June 1 in further protest.

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