Nordic bishops condemn transgender ideology

The statement emphasizes that the Christian view of the human person and sexuality cannot be replaced by the ideology of transgenderism.

Image: The Catholic Church in England and Wales

A group of bishops from Northern Europe have released a statement opposing the ideology of transgenderism and the push for gender change. The statement was signed by 18 bishops from Sweden, Denmark, Norway, Finland and Iceland, The European Conservative reports.

The statement emphasizes that the Christian view of the human person and sexuality cannot be replaced by the ideology of transgenderism. “We believe that every human being was created by God in a particular way and that this is a matter of dignity that must be respected,” the statement said.

The bishops also point out that gender identity is not primarily a matter of personal choice, but of biological fact. “The differences between men and women are not just social constructs, but deeply rooted biological facts,” they emphasized.

The bishops also speak out against the practice of gender reassignment, which often causes irreversible physical harm and can affect mental health. “We reject the idea that people should be forced to change their biological sex and that children and adolescents should be subjected to medical interventions to change their bodies,” they wrote.

The Nordic bishops’ statement is part of a growing resistance to the ideology of transgenderism in Europe and other parts of the world. However, the signers of the statement also emphasize that they will continue to advocate for people who suffer from gender dysphoria and that they want to encourage open discussion about this issue.

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