Mississippi tech company C Spire withdraws 2024 Olympics sponsorship over Last Supper depiction in opening ceremony

Mississippi-based tech company, C Spire, has decided to withdraw its sponsorship of the 2024 Olympics following backlash generated from a controversial portrayal of the Last Supper during the event’s opening ceremony. The said portrayal depicted drag queens in the roles of Jesus and his disciples.

In a statement released on social media, C Spire voiced their shock at what they called a mockery of this significant Christian event and consequentially their decision to pull their advertising from the Olympic Games.

Bishop Robert Barron of the Diocese of Winona-Rochester in Minnesota, a known Catholic commentator, also shared his displeasure at the depiction, labeling it as a “gross mockery”. He urged Christians to join in voicing their resistance against what was viewed as an affront to the fundamental beliefs of Christianity.

Likewise, Mississippi’s Republican Governor, Tate Reeves, lauded C Spire for their definitive stance. According to him, the company drew an appropriate line, reinforcing the religious belief that God should not be mocked.

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