Mastercard, Visa cancel Pornhub

Pornhub, the largest website in the world for pornographic and adult content, has faced a massive hit to its financial operations. Major credit card companies, including Mastercard and Visa, have condemned both Pornhub and its parent company, MindGeek, through a ban on the use of their credit cards on the site.

Pornhub has recently come under fire for the obscene nature of videos posted to the site, including rape, spy cameras, and other real-life degrading acts. Mastercard gave a statement on the situation last week, saying that these videos were “violations of our standards prohibiting unlawful content on their site”.

These credit card companies’ unapologetic stand against the dangerous and criminal content found on Pornhub is a blow to the adult entertainment industry as a whole and a positive sign for those in the fight against the exploitation of children and the innocent.

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