Outrageous: kids at a drag show in a Texas gay club

A Dallas gay club celebrates Pride Month by corrupting the minds of little ones: some parents even gave money to kids to tip drag performers.

By now they are no longer hiding. The increasingly overt target of the LGBT+ lobby is children. This is evidenced by images from Texas that have gone around the world, showing a parade of drag queens in the presence of minors, actively involved in the show.

Among the many events of “Pride Month,” which repeats every year in June, was the event titled “Drag Kids to Pride,” held at a Dallas gay club whose name is a whole program: Mr. Misster.

The poster for the performance proclaimed that it would be the “best Pride experience for families.” Allow me to remind you that drag show is a burlesque for adults.

Already in the slogans the event came across as questionable, to say the least; however, the actual content was even worse. The available videos show a number of men disguised as women wiggling in a sexually explicit manner in front of small spectators, some of whom were then invited to parade along with the drag queens and offer them tips.

It only takes a few clips of a film to realize that the children involved lent themselves to the “game” rather unwillingly. One of them has a facial expression somewhere between contrite and terrified.

Kids giving tips to a drag performer.

In defense of threatened minors

In front of the club, a man accused the pro-LGBT+ parents in attendance of allowing Democrats to legalize pedophilia, while a woman, shouting, replied, “You’re scaring children, shut up! Shut up! Shame on you! Shame on you!” Another protester said she joined the protest after seeing the event poster, “I don’t want to see signs advertising children dancing on stage along with men in thongs, dressed and wearing inappropriate makeup. These people reveal inexcusable behavior,” the woman added, “but what brought me here now are the children.”

A toddler can be seen on the right.

In defense, an employee of the Mr. Misster bar called the establishment a “safe and family-friendly environment” where “everyone is invited to feel accepted, included and safe.” Offerings collected during the evening, he reported, would go to an LGBT+ youth organization.

The well-known champion distances himself

Martial arts champion Derek Brunson, a fairly well-known sportsman in the USA, also spoke on the controversy. Brunson has “no problem with gays,” but that is not why he condemned the event.

“I have nothing against the LGBT+ community,” the athlete tweeted.

Commenting the neon sign in the back that scandalously reads “It’s not gonna lick itself”, Brunson tweeted: “It’s more about protecting children, their minds aren’t mature enough for these types of behaviors.” In another tweet, Brunson adds, “It’ll be the same response from me if pictures of children in a strip club were floating around the Internet.”

Need we say anything else?

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