Kentucky Democratic State Senator faces backlash for suggesting child-like sex dolls could deter pedophiles

Berg referred to a limited body of research suggesting that these dolls could decrease pedophiles' urge to harm children, providing them with an alternative "release".

Source: Twitter

Last updated on March 22nd, 2024 at 08:51 am

Kentucky Democratic state Sen. Karen Berg drew sharp criticism for suggesting that child-like sex dolls could help curb pedophiles from attacking real children. During a committee discussion on a bill that would outlaw ownership, trafficking, importing, and promotion of such dolls, Berg made remarks based on her investigation into potential benefits of these dolls. Republicans swiftly condemned her statement, arguing that it inappropriately attempted to normalize pedophiles.

While speaking during the hearing, Berg referred to a limited body of research suggesting that these dolls could decrease pedophiles’ urge to harm children, providing them with an alternative “release”. The controversy erupted when her comments were shared on social media platforms, leading to widespread criticism and demands for Berg’s immediate removal from her post.

Despite the backlash, Berg stood by her argument but clarified that she regretted if her comments were misconstrued as supporting pedophilia. She emphasized her support for the bill outlawing child sex dolls and reiterated her commitment to preserving the welfare of children and holding offenders accountable.

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