‘Internal war’ in DC Comics over gay Superman

DC Comics cartoonists don't understand why the emblematic figures are being 'prostituted'.

Superman queer

Image from DC Comics web site

Last updated on January 13th, 2022 at 01:55 pm

Previous article: Gay Superman?

In a recent interview, DC Comics cartoonist Gabe Eltaeb harshly criticized the release of a gay Superman. Eltaeb doesn’t understand why the company has turned the superhero who fights for Truth, Justice and a better tomorrow into an environmental activist, and boyfriend of a progressive journalist with glasses. These were his words:

“I’m tired of this rubbish. I’m tired of them ruining these characters (…) My grandfather died in the Second World War. We have no right to destroy the legacy of that generation… It doesn’t make sense.”

Eltaeb is one of the Batman cartoonists. He has put his talent in the service of heroism and a better tomorrow. And he finds that the icons of the characters he has helped create have been turned into ideological activists. And logically, he jumps up and down, fed up with the ideologization of everything and the indoctrination of gender even in comics.

The cartoonist is well aware of the storm of criticism from the politically correct for publicly expressing his rejection of the ideologization of heroes. He answers in advance that he is a normal guy, without party militancy or obsession for politics. He simply likes to draw and dream of a better world.

He likes to dream of a Superman who stops terrorist attacks, saves women in distress, fights for Truth and Justice and a better world. That was Superman’s slogan. And it is this moral authority as a defender of Truth and Justice that the gay lobby pretends to arrogate to itself.

Fortunately, the company’s strategy didn’t work out well. All the establishment media have enthusiastically applauded Superman’s LGTB bet. The media impact has been enormous. But it has not been accompanied by sales. The market has turned its back on the latest witticism of pink totalitarianism.

Because people want to keep dreaming of a real hero who fights for Truth, Justice and a better world, and not a gay ‘environmentalist’.

Anyway, if you want to complain to the editor, you can do it here.

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