Ideologies within the Catholic Church to destroy Christianity

There is an abyss between the "god" that the New Age holds, and the Christian God: In the New Age an anonymous god is promoted, a la carte, a mixture of other divinities. What matters is the individual.

Behind the gender ideology there is a worldwide agenda that aims to create a new humanity with new values that will lead us all to profess the same ethics and “religion,” secular and devoid of Christian values.

This is indicated in the Earth Charter that was published in the year 2000, which serves as a guide for the policies that are imposed in all countries and which, as Father Juan Sanahuja said, is: The Decalogue of the anti-Christian New Age. Devised by Freemasons, this is a plan that summarizes the objectives of previous international conferences and summits, but disguised as a defense of Mother Earth, Pachamama or our common home, as they like to call it.

This document makes explicit that “We urgently need a shared vision of basic values that provide an ethical foundation for the emerging global community… as a common basis by which the conduct of individuals, organizations, corporations, governments and transnational institutions should be guided and assessed”.1

The idea is to achieve the syncretization of all religions, but to do away with Christianity.

To this end, the New Age2 is used as an instrument that, fed by these ideas, is being introduced into all spheres of society, including the Church. As I have said, it is a movement that is supported by Freemasonry. Under this philosophy, different cultures are blended, erasing their differences, the identities of each one of them, making a mixture where a little of each one is valid with Mother Earth as supreme and venerated by all.

Typical of the New Age is the spirit of individualism that allows everyone to formulate his or her own religious, philosophical and ethical truth.3 Ideas such as the whole universe is god, that all religions are equal and that each man creates his own truth, are some of the principles that sustain their activities. As we can see, it is easy to see that these ideas are already present in society and a large number of people defend them. The diversity that sustains the argument of all this thought and political, social, educational plans based thereon, encloses this reality: a diffuse mixture where the origin is lost and people are led to the loss of sense, of strong values and principles to be guided by.

Expressions such as the peaceful coexistence between cultures and religions, the diversity of cultures and religions enriches coexistence or that God is present in different cultures and religions, can be relatively true if this does not set aside and override the very culture and religion that sustain the various societies and give them their identity.

But unfortunately we are in a context that invites the opposite and the same language that the New Age uses is in the texts the Catholic religion uses, as I show in a report I published on the content of Catholic religion books for primary school by the Spanish SM publishing house.4

It is important to keep in mind that there is an abyss between the “god” that the New Age sustains and the Christian God: In the New Age an anonymous god is promoted, a la carte, a mixture of other divinities, an energy or spiritual entity. You don’t have a personal relationship with him because he is impersonal. What matters is oneself, not the encounter with God as in Christianity, where God, who is a person, comes out to meet us, where He loves us first. 5.

As for the vision of environmentalism, which also appears so often in the books on Catholic religion and morality, it is striking how the negative actions of man with respect to the environment is continually visualized. While it is true that many of the problems of pollution and deterioration of the ecosystem are due to the negative actions of human beings and the misuse of resources, care must be taken in the way these ideas are expressed. The New Age has a very concrete vision of this sense of ecology that can lead to confusion: people are worth the same as a cockroach or a stone, we are dispossessed of our supreme dignity, considered as a pest to be exterminated as an enemy of the planet. This is the reason why policies and actions are promoted to reduce the number of children and the global population as a whole: contraceptive methods, abortion, sterilizations, sterile homosexual relations…

Leonardo Boff, a theologian condemned by the Catholic Church and considered one of the fathers of Marxist liberation theology, has now changed his focus to eco-theology and sustains these ideas in his works. His work was also the inspirational model for Pope Francis’ Encyclical “Laudato Sí” and is very much present in SM’s religion books.

Have New Age, gender and feminist ideologies been introduced into the Church? What are Christians to do about this? These and many other questions are addressed in my latest publication: “99 answers to gender ideology, a guide with a Christian perspective on adolescence”.6


2 New Age is a pseudo-spiritual movement of an esoteric and occult, pagan nature, which includes erroneous theories and heresies condemned by the Church that contradict fundamental truths of the Christian faith, and which seeks to lead man to believe that he can become like God.

Its purpose, disguised under a pretended respect for all beliefs, is the destruction of the Christian faith with which it intends to do away with the Catholic Church and all Christian denominations.



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