Governor Newsom moves to fast-track temporary licenses for Arizona doctors to perform abortions in California

The California Family Council (CFC) has vocally criticized Governor Gavin Newsom’s decision to sign SB 233 into law, which allows Arizona doctors to perform abortions in California. The legislation is reportedly a response to Arizona’s stringent abortion laws and effectively fast-tracks temporary licenses for Arizona doctors to conduct abortions in California until November 30, 2024.

Jonathan Keller, CFC President, disapproved of the move, stating “This bill not only authorizes doctors to kill babies but blatantly ignores those who strive to save them.” He went on to highlight an apparent double standard, arguing that while the bill simplifies the process for abortion physicians to operate within California, it offers no similar support for doctors in prenatal and neonatal care.

Governor Newsom’s more extensive strategy seeks to establish California as an abortion “sanctuary,” having allocated over $200 million for broadening access to abortions. This move will use taxpayer money to assist non-residents traveling to the state to secure abortion services.

Newsom is deliberately attacking state legislatures that are trying to save the lives of unborn babies. As long as abortion is not federally banned, the most liberal states will continue to allow abortion doctors to flock to their states, continuing the culture of death in the United States. While Roe vs. Wade’s overturning and the successes in many states in passing pro-life legislation, we must continue the fight to defend the unborn against governments such as Newsom’s California.

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