German priests plead with their bishops to return to the Church: ”leave the path of heresies!’

'You are carrying out the work of the wolves.'

Today a group of German priests known as Communio veritas sent a statement to the head of German bishops and all bishops compliant with him on the issue of homosexual couples and the approval of intercommunion, both repeatedly rejected by the Holy See. Headed by Father Frank Unterhalt of the Archdiocese of Paderborn, the group of diocesan priests have brought to light the doctrinal wrongdoings of these bishops, saying, “You are tearing apart the Body of Christ by disregarding the Word of God and falsifying the teachings of His Church. You are driving the flock into the abyss of your Synodal Path. You are killing the sheep because you are spreading heretical deceit.”

This “Synodal Path” aims at the discussion of such controversial ideas as homosexuality in the Church, intercommunion for Protestant spouses of Catholics, and contraception. While Rome has issued multiple letters denouncing these ideas, Bishop Georg Bätzing, head of the German bishop’s council, and his followers continue to spread these messages. Their effect can already be seen in Germany, as on May 10th around 100 German priests gathered, blessing homosexual couples in their very own churches. Communio veritas, shocked by this moral degeneracy in their churches, appealed to the leader of this group, “Bishop Bätzing, against this background we call out to you today: Consider that the Most High will demand an account from you! Return to Christ and His Church, which He has built on the foundation of the Apostles! Leave the path of heresies and embrace the truth of the Catholic Faith!.”

The actions of these bishops have dangerous implications for not only the Church in Germany, but the Church as a whole. If these bishops are allowed to continue along this path, major revolt in the Church may be a result, upsetting the moral principles upon which the Catholic Church was built. In the view of Communio veritas and many others, there can be no place for this modernistic and secular approach to the Faith, as it invites religious indifferentism into the fabric of what Catholics are taught and believe. Father Undterhalt warned Pope Francis of this danger after the publishing of the encyclical Fratelli tutti, saying, “In this apocalyptic time of the False Prophecy, in which the diabolical lie is limping around, the Church of the Lord has the duty to proclaim Jesus Christ, the Son of God, as the only Savior and true Redeemer.” 

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