Fox News co-host Pete Hegseth explores current state of military in his latest book, “The War on Warriors” Gage Skidmore

Bestselling author and co-host of “Fox & Friends Weekend,” Pete Hegseth, did not sugarcoat his perspective on the current condition of the military in his latest publication. Hegseth’s new book, “The War on Warriors” released on June 4 by Fox News Books, is an unflinching critique of the contemporary military landscape and its intersection with partisan politics.

In his personal memoir, his fifth published work, Hegseth communicated his love for both the military and his country, but warned that “things aren’t right today.” His frank account reflects an estranged relationship with an institution he once revered. Hegseth recounts his military service from signing up in 2001 to ultimately being deemed an ‘extremist’ by the same army in 2021.

Hegseth’s memoir conveys his dissatisfaction with the military, which he believes is driven by political and partisan reasons. His disaffection levelled at how “this Army” treated him ended with his departure from active duty in January 2024.

The memoir paints the switch towards “political reason” within a traditionally apolitical entity as concerning, paving the way for the wrong leverage. However, Hegseth insisted that the country still needs a strong military and hoped his children will consider serving in uniform one day. Despite the existing uncertainties, he believes that America is still worth fighting for.

“The War on Warriors,” currently a bestseller, offers a candid critique of the military’s current state from a seasoned author with four New York Times bestsellers to his name.

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