Focus on the Family launches “It’s a Baby” ad campaign challenging the use of the term “fetus”

The "It's a Baby" campaign aims to contribute to the ongoing national conversation surrounding the sanctity of human life.

Faith-based organization Focus on the Family has launched a new ad campaign called “It’s a Baby,” challenging the use of the term “fetus” to describe preborn babies. The campaign comes just days before the one-year anniversary of the Supreme Court’s Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health ruling, which reversed the nationwide access to abortion established by Roe v. Wade. The ad features various scenarios where people refer to the preborn child as a “fetus,” only to be corrected by others who insist on using the term “baby.” The aim of the campaign is to emphasize the humanity of the preborn child and encourage a broader recognition of this truth.

According to Jim Daly, president of Focus on the Family, the organization wanted to challenge the dehumanization of the preborn child by using “antiseptic scientific terms.” The ad aims to show that it is more accurate and meaningful to refer to the preborn child as a “baby.” Daly highlights that even the Mayo Clinic’s website refers to the preborn child as a “baby” multiple times in their developmental articles. The campaign hopes to spark conversations and bring attention to the reality of the preborn child’s humanity.

Pro-life supporters have responded positively to the ad, praising it as a “common sense” and “brilliant” message. They believe that it effectively portrays the way people naturally discuss and refer to babies, further reinforcing the message that the preborn child should be recognized as a baby.

Since the Dobbs ruling, the issue of abortion has gained increased attention at the state level. Some states are enacting restrictions on abortion, while others are promising to ensure access to abortion. The “It’s a Baby” campaign aims to contribute to the ongoing national conversation surrounding the sanctity of human life.

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