“Family First!”: A Call for a Political Shift in Favor of the Family

The family is being harassed from all sides, that must change. An online protest has begun with clear demands for a new family policy in Germany.

Straßenaktion "Familie geht vor"/Bildquelle: Familie geht vor

Is the family a declining model? Not at all. Especially in times of lockdown, many families have turned back to the real thing and come closer together.

Families in Germany suffer from anti-family policies – that must stop now. A new initiative, “Family First” unites thousands of families to make politicians change their way of thinking.

A large family reunion was planned for June 28, but the measures taken due to Corona prevented the organizers and the countless interested people from attending. Without getting discouraged, the protest was simply moved to the web. They also put a sign in Würzburg and brought the “colors” of the family into the city, representing thousands of families who had to stay at home.

In a colorful street action, activists with balloons, T-shirts and flyers marched through the city centre of Würzburg under the gaze of passers-by and hung a huge banner from the Ludwigsbrücke.

“The family is being driven further and further into a corner. Financially, families are burdened with taxes and massively disadvantaged in the social security system. At the same time, the parenting skills of mothers and fathers are hardly recognized and we see that marriage and family are being arbitrarily redefined,” explains Hedwig von Beverfoerde of the “Family First” action alliance in the video.

“Our children are indoctrinated with gender ideology in schools and day-care centers and exposed to ‘diversity’ through shameful sex education. That is why we are protesting.”

Von Beverfoerde adds: “Anti-family ideas continue to spread and are gradually being implemented politically – pushed by powerful lobby groups and the media. In response, we call for a political shift in favor of the family. This goal must be achieved by effectively making a public impact. This is exactly what we have done with our campaign in Würzburg. Therefore, we demand a change in policy for the family!”

Hedwig von Beverfoerde/Protest for All

Until it is possible to go back on the streets, supporters gather on the web.

“Because of the [COVID-19] restrictions, we have changed the way we protest, but we will not be silenced in any way. Because the lockdown in particular has proven more than ever that without the Herculean work of families – unpaid, that is – the State would be stuck. Family is the most important institution in the system,” says von Beverfoerde.

The demands are as simple as they are fundamental:

First of all, marriages and families should be protected but only in correspondence to the Christian view of marriage and family, i.e. as a life-long covenant of a man and a woman with their children. “Marriage and family, as an independent, self-responsible community, is the indispensable nucleus of our society.” Attempts to redefine marriage and family must stop.

The educational right of parents, who by nature have the duty and the right to educate their children according to their ideological and religious convictions, must also be respected. This right must be given special protection by the State.

The child’s right to a mother and father should also be defended. Oocyte donation and surrogacy must remain prohibited.

Children must be protected from the LGBT ideology that is being imposed on them from all sides. Gender must not be reduced to a “social construct”, but must be considered a biological and scientifically proven fact. Above all, gender ideology must be kept out of school books and kindergarten pedagogy.

And last but not least, financial justice for families must be established, especially so that families are not structurally disadvantaged by taxes and social security.

The demands of this movement correspond to the work of IOF and IFN. Therefore, we support this initiative and encourage our readers to do the same. You can support the petition here with your signature.

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