EMERGENCY: Stop Disrepect for Marriage Act in Senate

For weeks I have been warning that some Republicans in the US Senate are poised to vote with Democrats to impose same-sex ‘marriage’ on every state in the nation by passing H.R. 8404, the misnamed Respect for Marriage Act.

For weeks I have been warning that some Republicans in the US Senate are poised to vote with Democrats to impose same-sex ‘marriage’ on every state in the nation by passing H.R. 8404, the misnamed Respect for Marriage Act.

The Senate is now set to vote on this imposition as early as tomorrow. WE MUST ACT IMMEDIATELY TO STOP THIS BILL!

Please call the Republican US Senators listed below right away and let them know in the strongest possible terms that you oppose the imposition of same-sex marriage in your state.

Over 50 million Americans went to the polls in three dozen states to define marriage exclusively as the union of one man and one woman and this legislation throws their votes out the window and thus disrespects marriage.

Demand that these Senators respect the will of the voters and reject this legislation. Time is of the essence. Please call these Republican Senators now:

Ron Johnson (Wisconsin)(202) 224-5323
Roy Blunt (Missouri)(202) 224-5721
Joni Ernst (Iowa)(202) 224-3254
Mike Braun (Indiana)(202) 224-4814
Richard Burr (North Carolina)(202) 224-3154
Bill Cassidy (Louisiana)(202) 224-5824
John Cornyn (Texas)(202) 224-2934
Cynthia Lummis (Wyoming)(202) 224-3424
Lisa Murkowski (Alaska)(202)-224-6665
Mitt Romney (Utah)(202) 224-5251
Mike Rounds (South Dakota)(202) 224-7482
Ben Sasse (Nebraska)(202) 224-4224
John Thune (South Dakota)(202) 224-2321
Pat Tomey (Pennsylvania)(202) 224-4254
Todd Young (Indiana)(202) 224-5623

The Republican turncoats are led by Thom Tillis in North Carolina, Rob Portman in Ohio and Susan Collins in Maine.

They claim to have negotiated an amendment to “protect” religious liberty and ban polygamy, but legal experts say the amendment is full of loopholes and will not work.

Besides imposing same-sex marriage on every state, the legislation would also force child bride marriages on the country as well, and every other perverse form of marriage that is allowed in at least one state. That’s because the bill provides that marriages that are legal in one state must be recognized in every state regardless of that state’s marriage laws.

It will take ten Republicans to vote with all 50 Democrats to pass this legislation. With the turncoats of Tillis, Portman and Collins committed to passing the bill, they only need seven more Republicans. Please call every Senator on our list above.

Senate Leader Chuck Schumer has filed a motion to force this bill on the nation. It is expected to come up for a vote tomorrow as the Senate begins their lame duck session. Please do everything in your power to help stop it.

If you can help us with a donation today so that we can reach more people, your gift will be matched dollar for dollar.  Thank you.


Brian S. Brown

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