Do you care?

Do you care about all the many underhanded ways that LGBT radicals are working with “America’s first gay president” – Joe Biden – to impose their extreme agenda on the American people?

I can tell you that we at NOM do care, and that’s why we are aggressively moving forward with a response. We’re airing powerful digital ads on social media and other digital platforms to promote The NOT Campaign, our groundbreaking effort to reclaim the truth of marriage, gender and life.

We need your immediate financial help to respond to what Biden and his fellow LGBT radicals are trying to do, which is nothing short of shredding America’s moral fabric, peddling a narrative that is desperately trying to normalize that which is abnormal. Please be generous with your support of our campaign expansion.

⋙ DONATE $35
⋙ DONATE $50
⋙ DONATE $100
⋙ DONATE $250
⋙ DONATE $500
⋙ DONATE $1,000 or more

Just look at the pace of what Biden and the LGBT lobby have done in recent days to advance their extreme ideology and impose it on unsuspecting Americans.

First, Biden used his State of the Union speech to demand that Congress pass the dangerous and sweeping InEquality Act legislation that codifies much of the extreme LGBT agenda.

Then his Department of Education issued new regulations redefining the term “sex” under Title IX anti-discrimination law to mean “sexual orientation” and “gender identity.” This victimizes girls and women, allowing men who “identify” as female to enter intimate areas reserved for girls and women, compete against them in athletics, steal their scholarships and otherwise replace actual women.

And then, Biden’s Equal Employment Opportunity Commission issued new “guidance” to all employers with 15 or more employees that they would be guilty of harassment for requiring someone to use a restroom consistent with his or her biological sex, or for referring to someone by a pronoun the person doesn’t want used.

It’s obvious why this is happening now, and at such an accelerated pace.

Joe Biden is in bad shape electorally, and could very well be defeated this November. The LGBT radicals are determined to use every lever of power they can muster while they have the chance.

The NOT Campaign that is sponsored by NOM is reclaiming a truthful narrative about foundational issues such as marriage, life and gender. The campaign will deliver powerful messaging on billboards as consumers travel highways and roadways in communities across the country, and when they are online.

We’ve launched a new digital ad component to expand the impact of The NOT Campaign to respond to the aggressive advance of the Biden/LGBT lobbying effort.

Biden is betting that you just don’t care much about what he and the LGBT radicals are doing, but I think they are wrong. We’re counting on you to care.

We urgently need your immediate financial help to fund the expansion of  The NOT Campaign. Your donation of $35$50$100$250 or $500 or more will make a big difference, allowing us to reach more people with our digital ads.

Please show that you DO care about this attempt by Joe Biden and the LGBT lobby to impose their dangerous, extreme ideologies by making a generous, tax-deductible donation to NOM today. Thank you for whatever you are able to do to help.

Brian S. Brown

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