Detransitioner files lawsuit against doctors involved in gender transition procedures

Soren Aldaco, a detransitioner who attempted a gender transition at the age of 17, has filed a lawsuit against the doctors involved in her medical procedures. Aldaco alleges that the doctors disregarded her mental health conditions and pushed her towards a damaging path. The lawsuit, filed in Texas, names several defendants, including nurses, physicians, clinics, and counseling groups, all of whom were involved in Aldaco’s “gender affirming” medical treatments.

According to the lawsuit, the interventions Aldaco underwent resulted in permanent disfigurement and severe psychological trauma. The suit claims that the doctors failed to address her diagnosed mental health conditions and pushed her into irreversible physical changes and worsening distress. It alleges that the doctors acted more like ideologues than medical professionals and breached their fiduciary duties.

Aldaco is among a growing number of detransitioners, individuals who regret their attempts to change their gender through medical interventions. Other detransitioners have also filed lawsuits against medical practitioners, accusing them of rushing them down a dangerous path.

The lawsuit provides specific details about Aldaco’s medical experiences, including her interactions with healthcare providers and the surgical procedures she underwent. It alleges negligence during the double mastectomy and complications that followed, ultimately leading to Aldaco seeking emergency treatment.

The growing phenomenon of detransitioners highlights not only the medical dangers of attempted “gender transition” surgeries, but the psycological harm this ideology causes. All of these dangers point towards the fact that this ideology and industry directly defies the natural law and objective morality. The tragic stories of these detransitioners are a powerful tool in the fight against transgender ideology.

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