Dean Cain unhinges leftists, calls bisexual Superman “bandwagoning”

The actor who played the Man of Steel in 1993's "Lois & Clark" tells Fox News there's nothing "bold or brave" about this move by DC Comics. And the left losing it, is part of the machinery to keep the subversion chugging along.

It’s a bird.

It’s a plane.

No. It’s… just another chapter of cultural subversion via LGBT indoctrination.

Superman is bisexual, dontcha know. But if we’re honest, we saw this coming. Like a speeding bullet.

DC Comics made rainbow waves with the news Tuesday. Writer Tom Taylor says “it’s not a gimmick“. And he said it with a straight face, while wearing a very gimmicky t-shirt with a rainbow-themed Superman logo emblazoned on the front.

This stuff writes itself.

“We didn’t want this to be ‘DC Comics creates new queer Superman,'” Taylor said. “We want this to be ‘Superman finds himself, becomes Superman and then comes out,’ and I think that’s a really important distinction there.”

To be clear (and if you’re not a comics buff, just pretend you know what’s going on… it really doesn’t matter, in the grand scheme of things), this isn’t your grand-daddy’s Superman. This one is the off-spring of Clark and Lois.

See what happens when daddy’s not home to throw the ball around in the yard with his boy? But I digress…

And just to make sure they checked all the right boxes, Jon Kent’s love-interest is a purple-haired, bespectacled reporter… of Asian descent. Jon is also passionate about “climate crisis and refugees”.

Of course he is.

Taylor says this is a “bold” move for DC Comics. The LGBT army on social media says it’s courageous and brave. But Dean Cain, who played Superman in 1993’s “Lois & Clark” television series, says it’s nothing of the sort.

And Cain is correct.

Speaking on Fox News, Cain asked “Why don’t they have him fight the injustices that created the refugees whose deportation he’s protesting? That would be brave, I’d read that… Or fighting for the rights of women to attend school and work and live and boys not to be raped by men under the new warm and fuzzy Taliban.”

All good queries. But not to the off-the-rails, Marxist trolls, puffing out their chests as they courageously tap away at their keyboards in their basement.

Except, there was no “MAGA chest-pounding”. There was no “rage”. And straight out of the leftist playbook, we see the need to cast sexual aspersions while taking a swipe at ‘toxic masculinity’. So predictable.

And a further testament to how the narrative permeates throughout the culture: as the cancel culturalists cancel with vitriol and invective, the other players sway and swoon with dripping emotion and feel-good prose in an attempt to show they are the ones being tormented.

Jon Kent, good.

Dean Cain, spawn of satan.

DC comics writer Taylor trumpeted, “I’m seeing tweets of people saying they burst into tears when they read the news, that they wished that Superman was this when they were growing up, that they could see themselves. People are saying for the first time ever they’re seeing themselves in Superman–something they never thought was possible.”

Yeah, ‘cuz little boys have never, ever dreamed of being able to leap tall buildings in a single bound. But then, Taylor’s use of “people” is more than a little manipulative, isn’t it? “People” is extremely broad, in context. And we know this is a lie. A 4% lie.

Taylor concludes, “I hope this isn’t a headline in a few years time. I hope this isn’t trending on Twitter. I hope this just something about a person and good rep for everybody that that represents.”

Except, that’s not true either. We are in a perpetual state of absurdity. And the left will milk this cow, all day and all night.

After all, the news about Jon Kent came on the heels of National Coming out Day on October 11th.

If this doesn’t scream “gimmick”, I don’t know what does.

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