Croatian Christian Hero Faces Tough Election in European Parliament

Ladislav Ilcic, one of the most important Christian, pro-family heroes in the European Parliament faces a tough reelection in Croatia. Ilcic is running as an independent, and in this small country he must receive 100,000 votes.

His debates at the plenary sessions of the European Parliament were often a turning point. Namely, progressive politicians prevail in the European Parliament, supported by the media and NGOs. With such a majority, the European Union imposes social concepts such as gender reassignment, abortion and gay marriage not only on all its members, but also on third, poorer countries around the world through the trade agreements it concludes with them.

In this context, most representatives, even those who personally do not support this progressive agenda, did not dare to speak against this agenda. However, Ilcic openly stood up to his opponents and presented numerous arguments showing the bad results and the harmfulness of the “woke” agenda for society and the European Union as a whole. With his discussions, he encouraged colleagues who have a similar opinion to his, but until then they did not dare to openly and deeply go into the content of the debate.

Roberta Metsola, the president of the European Parliament said that “it is never easy for Ilcic’s opponents in the debate with him”, and Beata Szydlo, a Polish member of the European Parliament and Prime Minister of Poland from 2015-2017., she repeatedly pointed out that “Ladislav very judiciously and consistently represents Christian and conservative attitudes and values, that is why he has a great influence on the formation of opinion in the European Parliament and beyond, and that the conservatives will definitely need him in the Parliament in the next mandate.”

Ilcic provokes numerous reactions from his opponents, but also from the media who are not used to someone so openly opposing their agenda. “I am already used to various manipulations by the media, including lawsuits against me, ever since I designed the referendum initiative in which, according to the wishes of 2/3 of Croats, the definition of marriage as the union of a man and a woman was incorporated into the Croatian Constitution, or in the initiative in which we managed to win the decision of the Constitutional Court of Croatia, which made it impossible for the then socialist Croatian government in its intention to impose its sex education program on all children”, says Ilcic.

Despite these attacks, in his performances, Ilcic always emphasizes his personal respect for political opponents and their right to have and express their opinion. It seems that in this way he manages to move away from ad hominem name-calling and put the focus ad rem, on the arguments. At the same time, he has the strong support of fishermen and farmers who suffer from the extreme green policy of the EU. “The European Commission has deliberately reduced agricultural production in the EU by 20% due to the Green Deal, as if European citizens will eat 20% less. They won’t. By that much, we have increased the import of food from third countries that have much lower ecological standards of agricultural production. Thus, the Commission has caused damage to the planet itself, and at the same time threatened European agriculture and the standard of Europeans. When that approach is put in the context of the request of green politicians that we don’t have more children because, as they say, each child produces 50 tons of CO2 per year, then we see that this EU policy is completely unsustainable,” says Ilcic, a father of six.

As an MEP in the last term, Ilcic was instrumental in bringing the European Congress of Families to Dubrovnik with over 30 elected officials. Brian Brown, President of the World Congress of Families, which has had major events with thousands of attendees in Budapest with Viktor Orban and in Verona with Giorgia Meloni had this to say about Ilcic’s election. “No one has fought harder for the family in the European Parliament. His leadership brought the World Congress of Families to Croatia. He is the leading voice for both his country and the faith in the European Parliament. I hope and pray he gets the support he needs to win.”

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