Continuing Covid tyranny in Canada now targets a family’s freedom to purchase foodstuffs

The provincial government in New Brunswick has coined it a "Winter Action Plan" to combat COVID-19; now giving grocery stores carte blanche to ask for vaccination papers. We have now entered the arena of "no jab, no food".

Up until this past weekend, grocery stores across Canada have remained open to everyone; regardless of vaccination status. But on Saturday, the province of New Brunswick stepped into uncharted territory unrecognizable to the average Canadian who has always held fast to the freedoms and liberties protected under the country’s Charter of Rights and Freedoms.

Now, grocery stores–on their own whim–can refuse to service families who do not show proof of vaccination.

No papers, no food.

This is Canada.

This draconian mandate will remain in effect until springtime. A panicked New Brunswick government released its “Winter Action Plan” on Friday, announcing that the rise of COVID-19 infections in the province over the last two weeks is “very concerning”. And what precisely constitutes “very concerning”?–”two COVID-related deaths and 97 new cases”… in a population of close to 780,000.

And this is very concerning (to say the least) for families who refuse to buy into the narrative that is being pushed and prodded by every level of government–home and abroad–and on every mainstream news broadcast. And now, these same families are being denied the right to buy food at the local grocery store.

It has become abundantly clear that these vaccines have not withstood the rigors of clinical testing and trials, and the proof lies in the adverse events that are being reported (with many, many more unreported).

Said New Brunswick Health Minister Dorothy Shephard, “It is important we have a plan in place that ensures our health-care system is not overwhelmed, but also considers the mental, physical and financial health of New Brunswickers.” One has to wonder how this totalitarian mandate services the mental, physical and financial health of New Brunswickers when food is one of the basic and fundamental needs of every human being?

On top of that, families fighting this imposition of medical tyranny know that due (in part) to the inefficacy of the jabs, they have everything to lose by complying with these unjust mandates.

Canadian Dr. Paul Alexander is a former Senior Advisor to COVID Pandemic policy in the US government, Health and Human Services (HHS), Washington, DC.

Shephard believes if the “Winter Action Plan” is carefully followed–along with (and coming up on two years now of) Public Health measures such as mask-wearing, physical distancing, and hand-washing–she is confident the plan will help keep case numbers under control.

“The power to keep us in Level 1 is in our own hands”, says Shephard.

Oh, did we mention that this was part of a three level plan?

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