Conformist leftists and the hell they want to create

Leftist leaders around the world tend to claim that they are individualists whose views are adapted to the particular circumstances of their country, region, or city. Yet almost every liberal leader in the world—from U.S. President Joe Biden, French President Emmanuel Macron, and Polish opposition leader Donald Tusk to Disney CEO Bob Iger and billionaire George Soros—believes the exact same things. What are these things that they believe? Here is a short list:

Leftist leaders around the world tend to claim that they are individualists whose views are adapted to the particular circumstances of their country, region, or city. Yet almost every liberal leader in the world—from U.S. President Joe Biden, French President Emmanuel Macron, and Polish opposition leader Donald Tusk to Disney CEO Bob Iger and billionaire George Soros—believes the exact same things. What are these things that they believe? Here is a short list:

  1. The radical sexual and LGBT agendas must be promoted at all costs. The radical sexual agenda includes promoting unlimited sexual activity, especially among unmarried individuals, and abortion, while the radical LGBT agenda includes, among other things, supporting homosexual marriage, adoption of children by homosexuals, treating men who identify as women as actual women, and giving sex-confused youth cross-sex hormones and allowing them to mutilate their bodies in a futile attempt to be the opposite sex. Significantly, leftists want to indoctrinate children as young as possible in these radical agendas so they can capture children’s minds before they have reached maturity.
  2. Multiculturalism—the belief that all cultures are equal except for Western culture, which is racist, sexist, homophobic, etc.—must be supported at all costs.
  3. Critical Race Theory—which teaches that all whites are racists and all others are victims—must be supported at all costs.
  4. Preferring minorities in hiring, promotions, university admissions, and contracting—must be promoted to create exact parity in every area of life, independent of one’s character and competence.
  5. Massive immigration of people from the developing world to Europe, the United States, Canada, Australia, and New Zealand must be promoted at all costs to dilute the number of white people, especially Christians, living in such areas.
  6. Anything not mentioned above that works to destroy Western Civilization must be promoted because such civilization is racist, sexist, homophobic, etc.
  7. Most importantly, anything that weakens Christianity—and especially the Catholic Church—must be promoted at all costs. Why? Because traditional Christianity and the Catholic Church are the backbones of Western Civilization and are all that stand in the way of leftists achieving their dreams. For example, traditional Christianity and the Catholic Church promote traditional morality and the family, which common sense, millennia of experience, and social science research all say are necessary for human flourishing. They promote the view that all people are created equal by God and that the line between good and evil runs down the heart of every person—hence no race or ethnicity is inherently evil or should be preferred over any other. And, most significantly, they are a source of people’s allegiance that competes with leftist governments and leftist corporations.

The common theme among all these ideas is that Western Civilization must be defeated so leftists can create a new, “better,” Marxist society upon its ashes. But we all saw how this turned in Soviet Russia and the other communist countries of the world that tried to subvert Western Civilization—over 100 million killed and hundreds of millions more tortured, exiled, silenced, and otherwise abused. If there ever was a hell on earth, those countries were it.

So the next time you hear a leftist tell you he thinks as an individual and is beholden to nothing, run this list by him and ask him where he stands on these issues. You will soon find out that you have a thoughtless automaton in front of you. Then ask him how it turned out the last time people tried to destroy Western Civilization. Most likely, you will hear a pin drop.

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