Chants attacking children heard at NYC drag queen parade

During New York City’s drag queen parade in celebration of “pride month,” LGBTQ activists were reportedly heard chanting, “We’re here, we’re queer, we’re coming for your children.” The parade, which marked the anniversary of the Stonewall Riots, included sexualized performances and nudity. Conservative voices spoke out against the aggressive agenda of the drag queen phenomenon, condemning what they see as sexual predation targeting children.

Republican U.S. Representative Marjorie Taylor Greene responded on Twitter, expressing concern about the grooming of minors for medical interventions such as mastectomies and castration. Graham Allen, a conservative podcaster, described the event as “evil.”

Notably, the anti-Catholic hate group Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence participated in the parade, blasphemously mocking religious figures and desecrating the crucifix. Despite objections from Christian fans, they were honored by the Los Angeles Dodgers earlier in June.

In response to the parade, thousands of individuals gathered outside Dodger Stadium for a prayer rally and Eucharistic procession led by Bishop Joseph Strickland of Tyler, Texas. This protest drew significantly more participants than the parade itself.

The NYC drag queen parade reveals the anti-Christian and sexual predation aspects of the LGBT movement. Public schools in the U.S. and Canada are promoting sexual liberalism, while the Biden administration takes a more extreme stance on transgender issues than many Western nation.

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