Catholic priest faces possible arrest for defending Holy Communion from desecration by lesbian parishioner

A Catholic priest in St. Cloud, Florida, faces potential arrest after an incident involving a lesbian woman who tried to administer herself Holy Communion and allegedly crushed several consecrated hosts. Father Fidel Rodriguez of St. Thomas Aquinas Church has defended his actions which include biting the woman’s arm to block her attempt.

The woman, Jetty Nique, who identifies as a “proudly gay female”, attended Mass due to the first Communion of her girlfriend’s niece. In a Google review for the church, now deleted, she expressed dissatisfaction that Father Rodriguez attempted to give her Communion on the tongue, which she felt was disrespectful.

Father Rodriguez, who was unaware of Nique’s sexuality, attests that his actions were not a case of judgment but a response to her actions which threatened the sanctity of the sacraments. The issue escalated during the 12 p.m. Mass when Nique again presented herself for Communion. After a brief discussion about confession, Nique reached out and crushed several consecrated hosts.

The Diocese of Orlando issued a statement supporting Father Rodriguez’s actions, stating that he was simply trying to prevent an act of desecration of the Holy Communion. Yet Nique has reportedly decided to file charges against the priest. The case has been handed over to the Florida Attorney General’s office for further investigation.

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