Black pastors decry Reverend Warnock

This stand against the evil of abortion and its support from Reverend Warnock is precisely what is needed in the pro-life movement at this time.

Reverend Raphael Warnock, the Democratic candidate running against incumbent Republican Kelly Loeffler for one of Georgia’s Senate seats, is known for his strong support of abortion “rights”, saying that he “will always fight for reproductive justice”. However, he has faced strong resistance from within his own community. A group of black pastors wrote a letter to Warnock stating clearly the truths about the evil of abortion and imploring him to realize the deplorability of his beliefs.

The pastors describe the influence of abortion and the ideas that logically follow from it, saying, “God demands that every faithful Christian protect and uphold the sanctity of innocent human life, at every stage of life. Supporting abortion represents a serious abdication of and a transgression against that responsibility, just like the disrespect of the poor, the disabled, or the elderly.” They also describe the effects of abortion and the “pro-choice” movement in the black community, pointing out the racism and discrimination embedded in the abortion industry since its inception. This is shown in how abortion disproportionally impacts the black community. “Killing Black lives, especially killing unborn Black lives, does nothing but brutalize and scar vulnerable Black communities who are already suffering so much,” they wrote.

This stand against the evil of abortion and its support from Reverend Warnock is precisely what is needed in the pro-life movement at this time, especially in the black community. Strength and courage in the face of evil is what is needed for this country to right the wrongs that the pro-abortion community has inflicted upon the black community and this country as a whole.

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