Biden, Like Enrico, Doesn’t Respect the Rules of the Game

Enrico was a small child, and we were only playing soccer; but Joe Biden could become President of the United Stated, and this is a much more dangerous game.

Last updated on September 29th, 2020 at 01:24 pm

In my youth I used to play soccer. I will never forget Enrico: that kid who would quit and take his ball home every time he was losing the game.

The same is happening today in the U. S. with the controversy over the appointment of the Judge to the Supreme Court, after the death of Ruth Bader Ginsburg. I am writing this without wanting to offend the stars of Democratic politics. Everyone knows that in 2016, President Obama, Joe Biden, and even Justice Ginsburg herself declared that it was absolutely legitimate and perfectly constitutional to appoint a Supreme Court judge in the run-up to the Presidential elections. Today, exactly like my little soccer friend, they deny their reasons, their oaths and… they run away with the ball.

Enrico was a little boy, he had promised to respect the rules of the game in any case, he hoped to win; but he perjured himself in saying he would stay until the end of the game even in case of defeat. He’d run away if he was losing , shouting that the game wasn’t fair, that the ball was his, and that he and his team had actually won. I can still see him in my remembrances, grabbing the ball and running off, screaming like a madman.

I never would have imagined what we are witnessing in the U. S. since Judge Ginsburg’s death, nor the criticisms that all the leftist press in the world are leveling against Trump. No one could have imagined that the Nobel Prize winner Obama (awarded for being elected and certainly not for his work to pacify the world); Joe Biden (Obama’s Vice President and current Democratic candidate for the U.S. presidency) and the entire Democratic leadership would repudiate not only their own arguments and reasons offered in 2016, but also America’s democratic and constitutional rules.

Adults—what’s more, ones who hold or have held important institutional positions, men and women who ask for a vote to lead the United States in the coming years—running away with the ball and tearing up the rules?

President Trump, prior to and not foreseeing Justice Ginsburg’s imminent death, had published his own list of names for upcoming Supreme Court appointments. In the last few weeks many people have asked in vain for Biden to publish his list. Here is the real reason for the childish and schizophrenic uproar (in Italian we would call is ‘caciara‘) artfully mounted by Democrats, deep-state actors and the mainstream media, against Trump and the Republicans’ efforts to appoint a Supreme Court Judge to replace Ginsburg as soon as possible The reason for the current controversy—the institutional threats , the massive riots, the promises of terrorist acts—is that the Democrats simply no longer care for the democratic process and the isntitution of the Supreme Court. And it is more serious and tragic than it appears. All the abortion multinational are pumping money into the election and working hard for Biden’s victory, and at the same time demand Supreme Court judges who are pro-abortion. They are afraid of conservative, pro-life judges. Do you doubt it? The only sure way that Naral, Planned Parenthood and others will be able to expand their stock and trade in the lives and body parts of aborted children, the only certainty they have of continuing and increasing this genocide, is to have complicit and consenting judges at the Supreme Court. The promises of future pro-abortion measures that Biden pledges he will enact might not come to pass: Biden could lose the election. And if Republicans and Trump follow through in respecting the Constitution and American laws, and appoint and elect a pro-life Justice, the abortion business may be over.

So we have Democrats threatening “nuclear options,” threatening to destroy the Rule of Law and the Constitution itself—anything to get their way. The Democrats are like Enrico… but they are worse than him. The Democrats have proved that they aren’t really free in making this tantrum after all: it is because they are suffocated under the threat of the withdrawal of the rivers of money from the pro-abortion movement.

This controversy should make all American citizens concerned. Democrats are proving to be willing to sacrifice any principles of law and order to achieve and maintain absolute power. Democrats and their leaders, starting with Joe Biden, are proving to be like the ‘Manchurian candidate,’ puppets in the hands of dark powers. In fact, the dark money in the Democratic coffers is reported every day in the free American newspapers. November is not simply a vote for Trump or Biden: the vote is between Trump and the Rule of Law on the one hand, and on the other hand Planned Parenthood, NARAL, and a neo-‘democratic centralism‘ in which there are no rules, only the maintenance of party power by soviets . Enrico was a small child, and we were only playing soccer; but Joe Biden could become President of the United Stated, and this is a much more dangerous game.

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