Bible reading protestor arrested outside drag queen show

A young man named Marcus Schroeder was arrested while reading aloud from the Bible outside a drag queen show targeting children. The incident occurred at a “Pride in the Park” event featuring a drag performance in Watertown, Wisconsin. Video footage shows police officers taking the microphone from Schroeder’s hand and placing him in handcuffs.

According to Jason Storms, the minister of evangelism at Mercy Seat Christian Church, which Schroeder attends, dozens of police officers were present to provide protection outside the drag show where performers were dancing and gyrating in front of children. Storms highlighted that it is unlawful, according to Wisconsin law, to expose children to sexually explicit conduct.

Despite being peaceful, Christian protestors, including young members of Mercy Seat Christian Church, were arrested. They had gathered to pray and engage with attendees. Most of those arrested were released with warnings, but one individual was charged with unlawful use of sound amplification and resisting arrest for preaching on the public sidewalk.

Schroeder, in response to his arrest, stated that it was an honor to stand for Christ and spread the Gospel. He believed that the arrest would only inspire more people to take action and address the severity of the situation. Another young Christian, Nick Proell, who was detained and later released with a warning, expressed that he would do it all over again to share the good news and protect innocent children from sexualization.

The Republic Sentinel reached out to Watertown’s mayor and police chief for comment but did not receive a response. Charges against the drag performers for engaging in sexually explicit conduct in front of children are also being questioned. Not only is the drag queen phenomena being pushed on children, but this incident shows that anyone who protests and fights against these depraved events will be punished by the law. Our law enforcement should be protecting children from drag queens, not defending drag queens from normal pro-family Americans.

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