Between the “Covid-Deniers” and the “Hyper-Covidians”: a third, Christian way (Part 1)

The Pandemic or the "Plandemic" - depending on which block you belong to - is condemning humanity to division. But in the face of these snobbish positions, a Third Way emerges.

I see, with growing concern, the visceral division that infiltrates families, groups, and entities of all kinds; taking positions that are more and more confrontational, and becoming more and more bitter.

Personally, I have even encountered personal disqualifications in some forums, where I was called both a conspiracy denier and a traitorous collaborationist…

The covid-denier denies the pandemic. For him it is an invention of the hidden powers of globalism. He goes so far as to say that the dead don’t exist and even if they do, they are being killed in hospitals at the orders of Soros or some other world ruler.

The hyper-covidian is obsessed with the pandemic. He is at the other end of the spectrum. He lives for the pandemic. He imposes role models on others, he acts as a balcony policeman. He applauds government decisions, no matter how crazy or useless they may be.

The covid-denier is identified by not wearing a mask. Or by wearing it on his chin. He does it as an act of rebellion against the invisible power that wants to dominate the world and is about to bring about the apocalypse.

The hyper-covidian can be seen wearing the mask even when all alone in the car. He shuffles away from you if you pass by. And by 8 pm, or even earlier, he is already at home setting an example of obedience to the orders of the authorities. In addition, he measures the distances in queues and is uncomfortable in them.

The covid-denier is against the vaccine with a real passion. He says they are putting it in us to control us, kill us, or trans-humanize us.

The hyper-covidian shows true faith and devotion to all kinds of anti-covid vaccinations. He strongly desires to be vaccinated, and will celebrate that day as he would a wedding anniversary or the birth of a child.

The covid-denier is vehemently obstinate in his position. He talks about it all day long. He gives brainy reasons why he has come to the conclusion that everything is a lie, that hospitals are empty, and he tries to convince you of this as well. He is irresponsible. He lives irresponsibly.

The hyper-covidian defends his ideas with the enthusiasm of a neo-convert. He spends hours making health recommendations to you, even if you already know them all. He watches the news with profusion to be horrified day after day at the number of dead, and calls his neighbors to spread this news. He is afraid. He lives in fear.

But the two vital positions are both covidian, they belong to these new religions that have emerged with the pandemic – the covidian religions. And they are part of that morbid human curiosity for the new, that excessive interest in novelty. It is also a part of what the dictionary calls the pomp of the world in its second meaning: auspiciousness, vanity, grandeur… snobbery!

In the face of this… what is the Christian Way? I think that the Christian Way in the face of this coronavirus is discernment, courage, and charity. But we’ll talk about that later. (To be continued)

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